Concept Refinement

Concept Development begins with an idea and ends in your consumers’ hands as a product or service. Concept Development research ensures the final result meets their expectations and needs. 

Initial exploratory research helps create empathy and understanding of consumers’ specific needs. From there, the customer can become part of your development team, providing qualitative feedback with each iteration. By embracing Concept Development qualitative research, you are embracing a customer-centric design process that will make for more successful product launches.

"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."

—Zora Neale Hurston

W5’s approach to custom, strategic Concept Refinement research can help you:

  • Develop new ideas or technologies

  • Better understand why specific products struggle

  • Refresh existing products to better meet customer needs

Connect with us to learn more about W5’s Concept Refinement capabilities and how we can support your team.


In this spotlight post, W5 Partner Andy Willard explains how custom research can inform branding decisions and product line optimization.

See the blog post here.

W5 helped a renowned hospitality brand rebrand their loyalty program and strengthen their relationship with current and prospective members.

See the case study here.