Test Message Resonance with Teens

A state government client and their advertising agency partnered with W5 to explore vaping and e-cigarette behaviors to optimize a marketing campaign  aimed at impacting teen and young adult audiences. The main objective was to determine which campaign direction was most appealing and effective in encouraging vaping cessation.


W5 conducted a series of live, virtual focus groups with teen and young adult participants. Given the need for parental consent, the conversation explored general perceptions and attitudes toward vaping and peer-related vaping experiences. Through in-depth discussions, W5 moderators captured teens’ in-the-moment reactions and feedback to creative content from two campaign directions. Creative activities and interactive concept evaluation exercises boosted engagement and facilitated dynamic interaction.


W5 uncovered details about motivations for vaping usage to inform refinement of messaging strategies that best connected and impacted teens and young adults’ behaviors. W5 identified the winning campaign concepts based on in-depth evaluation, including heatmapping tools, enabling refinement of creative assets and messaging strategies to understand what resonates most with teens and young adults seeking support to quit vaping.


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